
When using Diplomat, you'll need to define Rust modules that contain the Rust APIs you want to expose. You can do this by using the diplomat::bridge macro:

fn main() {
mod ffi {
    pub struct MyFFIStruct {
        pub a: i32,
        pub b: bool,
    impl MyFFIStruct {
        pub fn create() -> MyFFIStruct {
            MyFFIStruct {
                a: 42,
                b: true

        pub fn do_a_thing(self) {
            println!("doing thing {:?}", self.b);

This is a simple struct with public fields; which is easier to reason about in an introductory example. Most APIs exposed via Diplomat will be via "opaque types", to be covered in the chapter on opaque types.

Every type declared within a diplomat::bridge module along with all methods in its associated impl will be exposed over FFI. For example, the above code will generate the following extern API:

fn main() {
extern "C" fn MyFFIStruct_create() -> MyFFIStruct {

extern "C" fn MyFFIStruct_do_a_thing(this: &MyFFIStruct) {

We can then generate the bindings for this API using the diplomat-tool CLI.


For example, if we want to generate C++ bindings, we can create a folder `cpp/`` and generate bindings in it by running:

$ diplomat-tool cpp cpp/

This will generate the following struct in MyFFIStruct.hpp, along with some boilerplate:

struct MyFFIStruct {
  int32_t a;
  bool b;
  static MyFFIStruct create();
  void do_a_thing();

If we want to generate Sphinx documentation to cpp-docs, we can run with that as an additional parameter:

$ diplomat-tool cpp cpp/ --docs cpp-docs/


For WASM JS/TypeScript bindings, you can use the following options, with similarly named directories:

$ diplomat-tool js js/ --docs js/docs/

This will generate JS that has a MyFFIStruct class, with a static create() method, a do_a_thing() method, and getters for the fields. This JS will require there to be a wasm.mjs file that loads in the built wasm file (See issue #80 for improving this), which you can base off of this file.


While low-level C headers are generated in the process of running diplomat-tool cpp, you can also generate just the C headers with

$ diplomat-tool c c/

Note that Diplomat's C mode generates direct bindings to the lower level extern "C" API, and is not idiomatic C code. It is recommended that one build a higher level API around the C API (perhaps by writing a plugin) if C bindings are desired.