
What is demo_gen?

demo_gen is a backend for creating demonstration webpages automatically from Diplomat FFI definitions. These webpages are meant to showcase the capabilities of your library.

You can view the tracking issue for the demo_gen backend here.

If you're interested in the design behind demo_gen, we have a design document viewable on the Diplomat repository.

Why do I want to use demo_gen?

The current big-name use case for demo_gen is the ICU4X internationalization library. ICU4X has a wide breadth of functions that can be somewhat hard to grasp if you're not already using the library heavily. demo_gen is a quick way

You can view the ICU4X demo_gen results here for a full demonstration of what demo_gen is currently capable.

If you're interested in trying demo_gen yourself, hop on to the Quickstart page to get started!