
Demo Gen takes a bit of configuration if you don't already have your own Diplomat library set up.

For that reason, we have a quickstart repository. You can also follow along in your own library if you'd like.


You'll need to clone the repository.

You'll need to have Rust, Cargo, and the wasm32-unknown-unknown target installed:

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

You'll also need Node and npm installed, as Diplomat generates JS code in modules that is easier for Node to parse as a package.

Getting Started

You just need to run (in the repository folder):

cargo build -p adder_bindings --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo run -p generator
cp target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/adder_bindings.wasm adder_bindings/demo

You'll notice the demo folder now has a demo_gen folder, which is full of JS and rendering files. We can view our results in an HTTP server:

npm -C adder_bindings/demo install
npm -C adder_bindings/demo run start

If you open the server, you should see a webpage listing AddResult.getAddStr with a link. If you click the link, you should see something like:

A search bar for the web server, with the added URL /demo_gen/rendering/template.html?func=AddResult.getAddStr. Displayed on the webpage is "AddResult.getAddStr" in large text. Below are two inputs: one labelled "left" that has a value of 1, and one labelled "right" that has a value of 2. Below is a submit button. There is output below the button, with the label "Output" and a value of 3.

And that's it! Let's talk about what each step means.

What We Just Accomplished

When you clone the repository, you'll notice three packages.

The Library

basic_adder is our Rust library that we want to make examples of. It only has one function:

pub fn add(left: u64, right: u64) -> u64 {
    left + right

Everything else we build will be based on this.

The Bindings

adder_bindings is our Diplomat bridge. When we want to make our library accessible in other languages, we need to run diplomat-tool on these bindings.

We build these bundings with

cargo build -p adder_bindings --target wasm32-unknown-unknown

--target wasm32-unknown-unknown tells cargo to build a .wasm file.

For more on how you can explicitly configure your bindings to work better in demos, see the chapter on attributes.

The Generator

generator is our wrapper for calling diplomat-tool. demo_gen is still in progress, and so we need a wayt to use the latest version of diplomat-tool to use this experimental backend. generator may be removed in future versions of this tutorial.

We run the generator with

cargo run -p generator

And it performs the equivalent of:

diplomat-tool demo_gen adder_bindings/demo/demo_gen --entry adder_bindings/src/lib.rs

demo_gen will automatically generate JS bindings by default, along with a bunch of other files to help you get started as easily as possible. If you have JS bindings elsewhere, or a different file structure from the Quickstart repository, you can configure how demo_gen works with a library config file. See the section on markup generation for more.

The Web Demo

demo_gen is designed to work with most Diplomat libraries with minimal configuration. However, we currently don't provide everything that you'll need to instantly see a demo

The minimum requirement is at least a web server to load JS modules.

This is why we have you run

npm -C adder_bindings/demo install
npm -C adder_bindings/demo run start

See the chapter on the renderer for more.