Configuring the Default Renderer

demo_gen comes bundled with an HTML renderer to make getting started with creating demo_gen output to be as fast as possible. The default renderer is also designed to be highly customizable for your own preferences or front ends.

The front end renderer uses Web Components, which are natively supported by most browsers. For this reason, it should be very portable into other front end systems like Svelte or React. However, if you're dead set on a solution that works even better for your front end of choice, you should read making your own renderer.

For more on how the default renderer works, you can read our design doc.

Regardless, let's discuss some ways you can customize the default renderer to your liking.


rendering/template.html represents a list of templates that demo_gen's default renderer will use

demo_gen will automatically generate template.html in the rendering folder. There is nothing that ties template.html to this folder specifically however; you can copy, modify, and link to a changed template.html file for custom HTML, JS, and CSS.

For instance, this is one template we've overridden in the ICU4X repo to take advantage of Bootstrap:

<template id="terminus">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/index.css"/>
<div class="vstack gap-2">
	<h1><slot name="func-name"></slot></h1>
	<slot name="parameters"></slot>
	<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" data-submit>Submit</button>
	<div class="card">
		<div class="card-header">Output</div>
		<div class="card-body">
			<p><slot name="output">Output Shown Here</slot></p>

For <template> tags, we hook into events by looking for data-* attributes, which have some of the following properties:

  • data-submit tells the attached element to await a press before attempting to run demo_gen code (only works for the #terminus tag).
  • data-oninput tells the attached element to listen for the oninput event and save the user's input on this element for submission.

If you're on the quickstart repository, you might try copying template.html out of the rendering folder and modifying it yourself to include your own stylesheets.

[!NOTE] Because the renderer uses the Web Components API, stylesheets need to be linked inside of each <template> tag.


This is simply a wrapper for the underlying rendering/rendering.mjs, which contains most of the logic for taking <template> tags and transforming them into

The expected end result of runtime.mjs is to create a TerminusRender object from rendering.mjs, and append it to the HTML.

If you are interested in overriding the underlying Javascript more thoroughly, reading the documentation on writing your own custom renderer is recommended. Otherwise, you will mostly be interested in overwriting the evaluateExternal parameter, which looks something like this:

(param, updateParamEvent) => {
	console.error(`Unrecognized parameter type ${param}`);

If you've flagged anything with the external attribute, you can check for parameters that Diplomat cannot evaluate on its own and provide these yourself with the updateParamEvent(updatedParamValue) callback, containing the value of the parameter that is required.

[!TIP] evaluateExternal is only called once on creation, so if you're planning on updating a param more than once, you should save a dictionary of updateParamEvent callbacks somewhere for future reference.

For example, in the ICU4X demo, we look for the DataProvider parameter and provide it from a compiled set of data:

let dataProvider = DataProvider.compiled();
let evaluateExternal = (param, updateParamEvent) => {
    if (parameter.type === "DataProvider") {
    } else {
        console.error(`Unrecognized parameter type ${param}`);


demo_gen currently doesn't provide an index.html file for you, as even with the default renderer your file structure can vary wildly. It is up to the user to provide their own additional .html files.

If you're looking to get into output right away: you can access any function from the default renderer by opening template.html from your webserver with the URL /renderer/template.html?func=TypeName.functionName.

Here's the current script that the quickstart has to list all possible function names:

import { RenderInfo } from "./demo_gen/index.mjs";

Object.values(RenderInfo.termini).forEach((t) => {
	let a = document.createElement("li");
	a.innerHTML = `<a href="demo_gen/rendering/template.html?func=${t.funcName}">${t.funcName}</a>`;