1. Introduction
  2. User Guide
    1. Basics
    2. Types
      1. Opaque types
      2. Structs and enums
      3. Options
      4. Results
      5. Returning Strings: Writeable
    3. Documentation
    4. Lifetimes
    5. ABI naming/renaming
    6. Customizing via attributes
      1. Disabling APIs
      2. Renaming APIs
      3. Namespacing
      4. Constructors
      5. Iterators and iterables
      6. Getters and setters
      7. Indexing
      8. Comparators
      9. Stringifiers
    7. Notes on Diplomat and safety
  3. Backend developer guide
  4. demo_gen
    1. Quickstart
    2. Attributes
    3. Configuring Markup
    4. Configuring the Default Renderer
    5. Making Your Own Renderer
    6. Making Custom Functions