Making Custom Functions

What is a custom function?

demo_gen tends towards automagical configuration. demo_gen will do its best to take Rust functions and convert them into JS output.

But there arise situations where we want to create our own custom Javascript functions to demonstrate our library's capabilities to the user, then add them to demo_gen's output. This may be the case if you want to demonstrate functionality that is more involved than demo_gen's automagical work.


Let's look at the quickstart repository for an example.

We only have one function exposed: get_add_str(left : u32, right: u32).

What if we have variables a, b, and c, and we want to show the user the results of calling:

get_add_str(a, b) and get_add_str(b, c)?

We can do this without adding a new binding, through the use of a custom Javascript function.


#[diplomat::demo(custom_func="filename.mjs")] can be added above any struct definition. demo_gen will search for files relative to, and add the contents of filename.mjs to its output.

Then demo_gen will import the default export of filename.mjs, and append it to the list of RenderInfo termini.


So, first we create a file called adder_custom.mjs in the same folder as adder_bindings/src/

// adder_bindings/src/adder_custom.mjs
import { lib } from "./index.mjs";
export default {
    "AddThreeVariables": {
        func: (a, b, c) => { return lib.AddResult.getAddStr(a, b) + " and " + lib.AddResult.getAddStr(b, c); },
        funcName: "Add a + b, b + c",
        parameters: [
                name: "a",
                type: "number"
                name: "b",
                type: "number"
                name: "c",
                type: "number"

Then we make sure to link adder_custom.mjs in

// adder_bindings/src/
mod ffi {
    use std::fmt::Write;

	#[diplomat::rust_link(basic_adder, Mod)]
	pub struct AddResult;

	impl AddResult {
		pub fn get_add_str(left : u32, right : u32, write: &mut DiplomatWrite) {
			write.write_str(&format!("{}", basic_adder::add(left, right))).unwrap();

And our exported object is then added to RenderInfos list of render termini, and is evaluated by the renderer accordingly!

If you regenerate the bindings and start the web server, you should see Add a + b, b + c in the list of functions.